This page gives some links to interesting and useful websites that relate to Ptolemaic history and numismatics.
Svoronos' 1904 catalogue of Ptolemaic coinage - indispensable; now made available on the web.
The Ptolemaic Dynasty - chronology, genealogy, bibliography.
Egyptology Resources - the first Egyptology site on the web; still an excellent resource.
Oriental Institute Research Archives - a search site for academic information on the ancient near east.
Ptolemaic coinage - a search site showing some Ptolemaic coins.
Ancient coinage of Egypt - a catalogue of some web sales.
Ancient Egyptian site - produced by a Belgian Egyptologist.
Review of some Ptolemaic kings - by a classical scholar.
House of Ptolemy - well established, with many further links.
Timeline of Egypt - part of a well designed personal site.
Yahoo’s Directory for Egyptology - Gives a list of sites recommended by Yahoo Directory.
Digital Egypt for Universities - A learning and teaching resource (University College London).
Bibliography of Ancient Egypt - search by category or author for books on ancient Egypt.